Tuesday 7 December 2010

Basic knowledge of photoshop

Here I go over things I have  learned/ rembered about photoshop also how I put them to use in this project.
The magic wand tool I used a lot in my project for editing images once selected your mosue icon turns into a wand.The magic wand tool selects regions from a image by using their contrass ratio this is useful for copying , cutting and transforming selected areas of your image.
I used the magic tool for various thing sometimes to move my text if I was having difficulty selecting it, deleting the white in text if you have imported it from else where. Also good for adding effect.

Gradient tool - First selecting sometimes its paired with the bucket tool so its ideal to select it first. Afterward on the top of their willl be an option bar.
Here you can change the gradient and even save gradient as a counstom preset for future refrence there are numerous options you can use on this bar creating a variety of effects.

After I select a region and using the bar on the last image this would be the effect.

But to show a little more of how this would be applyed and how I attempted to experiment with it using a diffrent typr of gradient.

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