Friday 16 December 2011

First render of my concealing death-star.Its quite unique using refractions in maps and cloning textures. 
Playing around with self-illumination to create a glow effect.
I created a blast effect for take off using particle system I wanted a nice visual look so I used multi-colours on the spray.

I render of my city I used some interesting material till I got a intriguing colour scheme.
Metalic textures for my x-blade the scene was going to be short so I wanted to play with material one last time .


Here I was using video  post to add effect such as blur , glows , spectrum lights and star-field.
However starfield failed render in my final animation background star did not work.

Heres it the lens effect I used on planet earth to create the sun , I then optimized the halos appropriately. 

On the camera I created a shaking effect using noise position this helped for a lot of my scenes.
 For example  when my ship was blasting into the worm hole I used it as emphasis of turbulence. This proved to demonstrate a effective method of portraying acceleration.

Here I have my UV map for the death-star I customised  the colour in Photoshop I wanted to create a death-star which camouflaged itself into space. 

Friday 28 October 2011


Prototype X-Blade

I drew turrets on the X-blade on using the line technique along side the modifier. I then re adjusted this shape by converting into a poly mesh and rescaling the end.
Here I was adjusting the camera using pan and making sure the model had the correct symmetry as I did not use any mirroring techniques on this project.

D-d-d-death Star

My sketchy death star I wanted it to seem like a distant object much like French renaissance animation feel.

The primary part of the sphere was rather simple however regarding the inverted sphere into it was rather tedious and required much adjusting based on the method I chose of editing vertices individually and rescaling the cup shape.
One trick I used was face selection and pressing shift it highlights around the sphere making it very easy to cut the indent of the Death Star.

Concept and initiation

I wanted to design a city for my animation as it would create a atmosphere so here was my sketchy idea.
Using a basic modelling technique of extruding faces I began to scale my city.
Here I was adjusting the th sci-fi building making sure the sphere sat well on top of the building.


Here I was creating a collage of images that I found intreguining
Here I built castle quite simple initiated with a simple box. Converted into a poly mesh then selected face mode delete the top. I then began creating a cylinder using snap grid for scaling purposes then a cone Using auto align I  put the them in position after which i grouped them into one object. Duplicated 4 times and had my castle.

3D modelling & animation

Here I modelled a a wheel I began with a cylinder and converted to a ploy. Then I used faces and extruded out but mirrored this behaviour on the the opposite side of the cylinder creating a symmetrical  star shape.

Here I added a cylinder to create shape after that I scale the ends of the star small to add extra feel of the object.